A member of the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), Dr. John Wells, MD, is the medical director of fire/EMS for the City of Brownsville, Texas. Dr. John Wells has helped develop new programs for the city, such as Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Paramedicine (MIH/CP), launched in December 2019.
Designed to assist frequent 911 callers with non-urgent medical care, the MIH/CP program provides preventative care for bedridden and elderly residents of the city. It also is designed to help detect patients with high chances of hospital readmission.
The program identifies residents who have no other means of getting health care for medical issues than calling 911. Once such an individual is identified, community paramedics check the patient at home, evaluate their present living conditions, and connect them with appropriate resources. Visits are conducted multiple times, on a scheduled basis.
To learn more about the program, call the Brownsville Fire Department at (956) 546-3195.
Based in Brownsville, Texas, Dr. John Wells oversees the town’s EMS and fire departments in his role as the medical director. Dr. John Wells is a member of the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) and the Urgent Care Association of America.Founded in 1984, the National Association of EMS Physicians has grown to now serving 1,500 members, including paramedics, nurses, physicians, administrators, and researchers. NAEMSP members enjoy many benefits, such as monthly e-news and blast emails that connect members with timely and informative updates. Members also get access to the association’s official peer-reviewed journal, Prehospital Emergency Care, which comes out six times a year and also offers online-only content.Additionally, members are invited to attend the annual meeting, where they can engage in continuing education opportunities, and they have access to the membership directory, which aids in networking. Members can also take on leadership roles by serving on committees or task forces as well as the Board of Directors.To learn more about these benefits and others, visit https://naemsp.org/.